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Extension List:


Walter Barr, CPA  - 3

Joni Barr, CPA - 4

Brian Thornton, CPA - 5

Judy Clarke, CPA - 17

Nancy Grajeda - 7

Hope Franklin - 6

Cheryl Conklin - 12

Katia Gomez - 9

Nick Gilbert - 11

Collin Turner - 8

Connie Fitzpatrick - 23

Arvis Alarcon - 27

April Lanning - 13

Autumn Nunez - 26

Natasha Martin - 22

Lindsey Lepisto - 25

Marcy Bates - 24

Debbie Heimmermann - 28

Shannon Barr - 20

Susan Baker - 10


Operator - 0

Purchasing Department - 29


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